The development of green infrastructure and stormwater mitigation techniques on private property is a problem that now has a green solution.
HydroBlox Stormwater Systems are a superior alternative to typical drywells or trenches. A hollow box is constructed from HydroPlanks. One end is capped with HydroBlox and the other end attaches to a downspout. Due to its porous, high-void composition, it's an efficient, non-compressible product that will release stormwater into the water table at the same rate as undeveloped soil.
A typical 100 square foot trench for a drywell is reduced to a 40 square foot HydroBlox Stormwater Box that is installed without aggregate or geotextile. Excavation requirements are significantly scaled down and the installation cost is reduced by over 60%!
Sizing the HydroBlox Stormwater System is simply a matter of adding additional boxes allowing for an unlimited size of stormwater applications.

Dimensions: 12” high, 12" wide, 7.5' long
Weight: 130 lbs. (approx.)
Drainage capacity of approximately 52 gallons.
Environmentally friendly, made of 100% recycled materials